
Alzheimer’s Disease

  • I conducted an extensive research on the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease through deep-learning methods.
  • There has been an increasing concern about the overwhelming number of people affected by dementia.
  • The main aim of my project is to optimize the CNN model, AI deep learning approach, which can predict the disease with MRI images.
  • I successfully optimized EfficientNetB2 model with 98% accuracy to diagnose four main stages of the disease.
  • The outcome has been reflected on my thesis.

Reimagining Community Connections:
Toowoomba Community Organic Gardens

  • Redesigning and developing the website for Toowoomba Community Organic Garden from scratch.
  • Conducting requirement analysis to find out what the organization truly need.
  • Conducting agile development throughout the project.
  • This is the website which is rebuilt from scratch:

Carpet Industry


In a large-scale study, I conducted research emphasizing the effects of strategic orientation on small and medium-sized business entrepreneurial skills in the carpet industry.

The focus of the study was how entrepreneurial skills can flourish small and medium-sized businesses in carpet industry, leading to more job opportunities, and economic growth in poor and undeveloped regions. The result of this research published in a domestic journal.